Bogusława Herda
Bogusława Herda
Bogusława Herda Polish Champion in Long-Time-Liner Permanent Makeup, Vice Grand Master PMU Fair Play Championship, Vice Polish Champion Safe PMU and 2nd Vice Polish Champion in the European PMU GOLD Championship.

By education, a Physical Education Teacher, Educator. Raising her educational qualifications, in 2020 she became a graduate of GWSH in Katowice at the Faculty of Medicine, graduating with distinction in the direction of Trainer Linergist. In 2021, she became a graduate of GWSH in Katowice at the Faculty of Medicine in the field of Aesthetic Cosmetology.

Long-Time-Liner Regional Trainer. He specializes in the hair technique, Silky Hairstroke Brows, an original method of making machine hair, which is characterized by the creation of realistic-looking hair systems.