
Registration closed 252 reported photos 28 Participants Judges:
Registration closed 153 reported photos 17 Participants Judges:
Registration closed 108 reported photos 12 Participants Judges:
Registration closed 108 reported photos 12 Participants Judges:
Registration closed 40 reported photos 10 Participants Judges:
Registration closed 72 reported photos 8 Participants Judges:
Registration closed 108 reported photos 12 Participants Judges:

Championship sponsors

Recent Works

Why is it worth taking part in the Championships?

Develop your career
Are you starting in the industry? Are you an experienced linergist? Have you already had successes? Don't stop, the next stage of your career lies ahead of you. Prove that nothing will stop you.
Master your skills
Competition motivates us to achieve even better results, is an additional stimulus for development and draws our attention to the details that characterize champions.
Expand your business
Make your skills credible in the eyes of your clients. Confirm your qualifications by having them assessed by the industry's greatest authorities. Trust yourself so that others will trust you.
Build a personal brand
Competence, consistency and commitment - create your image to stand out in the beauty industry. It's up to you how you will be perceived.
Believe in Yourself
Do you avoid challenges for fear of failure, are you embarrassed by others, or do you suffer from stage fright at live events? Gain confidence in the Online Championship.
Join the Elite
The exclusive group of our championships brings together participants, judges, coaches, sponsors, VIPs and stage stars. Be part of our world and introduce yourself to others.
Get to know the opinions of others
Listen to the advice of experienced linergists, accept the criticism of specialists and assess your qualifications. You will discover your strengths and get to know your weaknesses.
Become a Champion
Experience the taste of victory and positive emotions. Enjoy your success, brag about your achievements and get rewards. The winners of the Championship are an inspiration for others and fulfillment for themselves.

Introducing Jury Panel

Marta Ziółkowska-Serafin
Cosmetologist, educator, trainer. International Make-up Pro Artist and Beauty Metamorphosis certificate
Joanna Ogrodnik-Szala
International permanent makeup trainer
Dominika Ratuszny
International Champion of permanent makeup.
Magdalena Telesińska
Linergist, licensed trainer, speaker and juror. 2023 Eyebrows Shading World Champion
Iwona Donarska
Cosmetologist, Master of Science in Economics. Certified International Permanent Makeup Trainer
Andriana Babushkina
International Trainer, Speaker and Judge in the field of permanent makeup
Valeria Vasilyeva
Multiple champion. International speaker, judge and permanent makeup trainer
Joanna Duda Balcar
Multiple world champion in permanent makeup of eyebrows, lips, eyelids and freckles.
Daria Jurałowicz
Certified PMU trainer, cosmetologist, educator. International Champion of Permanent Makeup
Zuzanna Czeczot
Linergist, travels all over the world. She created her own eyebrow pigmentation technique "Rêvés BROWS"
Aneta Flis
Linergist and Master of permanent makeup in the PMU ART category
Eliza Drwięga
Linergistka i Mistrzyni pigmentacji w kategorii PMU LIPS EXPERT
Katarina Lupsinova
Kasia Głocka-Korcz
Linergist and multiple champion of permanent makeup in Poland and around the world
Anastazja Pechernaya
Linergist, Trainer and Speaker at international conferences.
Patrycja Figurska
A linergist with a cosmetology diploma, constantly striving for perfection, member of Pro Team Kwadron
Sabina Leja
Linergist and multiple champion of permanent makeup
Agnieszka Błażej
Linergist and permanent makeup champion in the PMU BROWS EXPERT category
Aniela Dusza-Złotnik
Linergist, International juror and speaker.
Paula Eliasz
Założycielka ArtPmu Academy, międzynarodowa prelegentka, redaktor naczelna PMU WORLD
Veronika Fleiser
International trainer, speaker, juror. Founder of Fleiš Academy. Creator of the original PMU techniques.

Championships include:

sent photos

Thank you for being with us !!!

Thank you to everyone who supported me, the organizers of the championship and the competition, which presented a high level 💙❣️ Dreams come true 🎉
And it happened, I took 3rd place in the Master category, I was judged by the best and most famous lingerists in Poland, it is a great honor for me, especially since I have been dealing with lips since June, I am proud of myself, I am happy that life gives me such opportunities development ❤️❤️❤️❤️
The first such event in which I took part. I am totally motivated and driven to continue working, thank you for appreciating my work 🤍
Thank you very much for the opportunity to judge the next edition of the Competeon championship. It was a great pleasure and distinction for me. Thank you for the beautiful souvenir in the form of a statuette and diploma. Congratulations to all the winners - a fair and well-deserved win.
Great emotions, inspiring competition and, above all, a huge dose of positive energy 🥰 I can sleep peacefully, as I have always judged according to my heart and conscience - honestly and justly. I would like to thank the organizers for the beautiful statuette from this event. A wonderful souvenir 😘😘
Every bad, demotivating word drove me to act and to show that everything is possible, you just need hard work and self-confidence. We are all the masters of our fate and we decide what we will do with our experiences
Choose the right model, ❤️ make a perfect drawing, ❤️ choose the right color, ❤️ make it perfectly - as best as you can ❤️
It is an honor and a great pleasure to judge your championships
Dreams come true but you have to work for them. I would like to thank you very much - for the wonderful FAIR event in which I had the opportunity to take part - Permanent MakeUp CompeteeOn.
I entered the championship mainly to get feedback from the jurors and to see what I could improve and improve in my work. The results of the championship surprised me, which made me even more happy!
Thank you very much for allowing me to be part of such a wonderful event
🥈🥈🥈2nd place at the Polish Online Championships 🏆🏆🏆. This is a huge distinction for me and motivation for further development 💪 I would like to thank the jury for appreciating my work, the organizers for creating a fair championship and I congratulate all my competitors on their beautiful works!
Such competitions and championships open your eyes to many things, including the fact that you have to work even harder to achieve what you want... and humility ❤️ Thank you for the opportunity to prove yourself in the eyes of the judges and the greatest jurors of Poland @pmu.mistrzostwa.✨
The competition permanent lips, using the 3D lips method, were rated the best among all participants in the PMU championship in the Lips category 😍 1st place 💋🥇🏆💋
Thank you for the opportunity to test myself in the championship. Even though I didn't take any place. The opinions and scores from the jurors will be very important to me as a person taking their first steps at PMU.
And it happened that I took 3rd place in the Master category, I was judged by the best and most famous lingerists in Poland, it is a great honor for me, especially since I have been dealing with lips since June, I am proud of myself, I am happy that life gives me such opportunities for development. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am impressed with the organization of the championship and I am incredibly happy that I will be taking part with such great people.😍 It will be a great experience and fun.😘😘
It's always worth trying
I would like to thank the organizers of @pmu.mistrzostwa as well as the jurors and sponsors for the opportunity to test my strength and gain very valuable feedback for the future!!! ♥️
Thank you for such a unique distinction! Second place in the PMU Competeeon pl permanent makeup championship
I would also like to thank the organizers of the championship for putting all their hearts into organizing this event and creating the fairest competition possible, with clear and transparent rules ❤️
Believe in yourself / plan everything carefully, from the model to the technique of doing the work / take it easy / take action!
If you want to test your skills, be assessed by the Jury, have fun and win cool prizes, you are welcome.
It was a pleasure to judge...🥇 🥈 🥉 Congratulations to all participants 🏆 It's worth taking part in such an event, testing yourself, and such a form of presenting your work as PHOTOS is essential these days.
Participation in the Championships perfectly motivates you to act and improve your skills, when you know that your works will be assessed by the best Linergists from Poland and the world.
Great championship, thank you to the organizers for this great event 😀 An unforgettable experience, unique emotions and a fantastic adventure 💙🥳😋
I am very happy and grateful that I could be part of the pmu championship. As a judge, I made every effort to ensure that my assessment was reliable and objective. Congratulations to all participants, each participation in the championship is a development ❤
🏆🥉 I would like to inform you that I managed to win 3rd place at the Polish Online Permanent Makeup Championship. This is a huge distinction for me and a motivation to further develop and improve my skills! Thank you to the Organizers, all Judges and Sponsors.
I registered for the shaded line championship, this is the most difficult area of ​​pigmentation where precision is king. Competing with people who had many times more experience and years of work, I managed to win 1st place 🥇🏆.
I won a very important title for me - 2nd Runner-up in the ART open category of permanent makeup. I faced masters and experts in this industry. The podium is a great honor for me. Thank you very much to the organizers and judges 🏆🥉🥰
Thank you for the opportunity to take part in such a brilliant event! This is another unbelievable experience in my life! ♥️
Another progress behind me ❤ Maybe not on the podium but I'm glad that 👉 I dared 👉 I took my time. Thank you to the judges for such great comments 👌 this is another motivation ❤
Girls, I encourage you to take part in the Championships, you can do a lot. We are waiting for your applications.
Show your style, don't copy anyone! Create the makeup that you would feel best in, while maintaining all the necessary conditions to create the perfect makeup tailored to the model's beauty type and face shape.
I am very happy that I took part in this championship. Even though you don't always win, because the competition is both numerous and good, I gave my all in my work 😉
I have been pigmenting for a while now. I took part in the championship to test my skills☺️
I took first place in the online championship in the PMU Art category, the aim of which was to present permanent makeup in a creative way. ♥️ I won the title of Internet Pigmentation Champion! This is the first such championship in my career.
I encourage everyone to take part in the championship. I think it's worth trying your hand and fighting for prizes.
"This is an amazing championship in a completely different style than before. The first online championship of this type in Poland. Therefore, heartfelt congratulations to the organizers for such a great event"
There are moments of happiness in life, moments that stay with you forever ❤️🥈 Hearing your name at the championship.pmu online conference is the moment my dreams come true. Thank you for the opportunity and participation in the championship 💪
I managed to take first place in the master brows category. 🖤🏆 Thank you to the organizers and the jury for appreciating my work. I am very pleased 😘🖤
I invite all linergists to participate. It's a great opportunity to test your skills without audience or time pressure. I keep my fingers crossed for the participants, good luck. ✊🏽

Our World of PMU

Twój przewodnik po kartridżach serii Optima

Zastanawiałaś się kiedyś, jak dobór odpowiednich kartridży może wpłynąć na efekty Twojej pracy? Pigmentując przy użyciu wyłącznie jednego ulubionego kartridża, nie wykorzystujesz w pełni swojego potencjału i rezygnujesz z oszczędzania cennego czasu.

W tym przewodniku przyjrzymy się trzem liniom kartridży serii Optima: Optima, Optima Gold i Optima Plus. Omówimy ich cechy i zalety, a także zasugerujemy możliwe zastosowania, aby ułatwić Ci wybór narzędzi, które najlepiej pasują do potrzeb Twojej klientki oraz wymogów Twojej techniki.

Kwadron Blog
Etalon Mix & Anna Kutsevolova

Poznaj wyjątkową kolaborację

Wraz z utalentowaną Anną Kucevolovą przedstawiamy nową Serię pigmentów do makijażu permanentnego, specjalnie zaprojektowanych do tworzenia wyjątkowych, hiper-realistycznych włosów!

Nad tą serią pigmentóe Etalon Mix pracował z Anną ponad rok czasu, były testowana przez trenerów Anny na całym świecie. Są sprawdzone po czasie i doprowadzane do ideału.

PMU Tips

Odkryj najlepsze wskazówki i triki od naszych utalentowanych ambasadorów, którzy ujawniają sekrety podstaw makijażu permanentnego! 💄 Ciekawi Cię, czym podzielą się w tym tygodniu? Naciśnij przycisk odtwarzania i przenieś swoje umiejętności PMU na wyższy poziom dzięki eksperckim spostrzeżeniom, których nie możesz przegapić!💕

Kwadron PMU Event
Dylematy początkującej linergistki

Diabeł tkwi w szczegółach czyli dylematy początkującej linergistki - taki tytuł nosi najnowszy artykuł Angeliki Księżyk do jednego z bardziej znanych magazynów makijażu permanentnego @pmu_world.

Jeśli jesteś na początku swojej drogi to zapraszamy Cię do po to wydanie!!!

W swoim artykule Angelika Księżyk wyjaśniam krok po kroku, na co powinnaś zwrócić uwagę na początku swojej drogi, jak wybrać odpowiednie urządzenie,jak dobierać właściwie igły i wiele wiele innych aspektów.

Od 5 listopada w Empiku

Instagram PMU World
ArtPmu w Warszawie

Wszystkie produkty ArtPmu, urządzenia i lasery już są dostępne STACJONARNIE w Warszawie.

Oferujemy profesjonalne doradztwo jeśli chodzi o kolorymetrię pigmentów ArtPmu.

Zapraszamy na zakupy

Artpmu Sklep Warszawa
Aquarelle Lips. Jakie kartridże wybrać aby uzyskać ten efekt?

Technika Aquarelle, to mistrzowskie podejście do pigmentacji ust, w którym dążymy do uzyskania delikatnego efektu podkreślającego naturalne piękno ust klientki. Nasza Główna Trenerka, Marta Ziółkowska-Serafin, uchyla rąbka tajemnicy na temat techniki, którą uzyskuje się usta delikatnie przezroczyste i absolutnie urzekające.

Kwadron Blog
Co nieco o piegach permanentnych

W najnowszym wydaniu magazynu @pmu_world_ znajdziecie artykuł autorstwa Karoliny Czech, w którym opowiada co nieco o piegach permanentnych. Czym są piegi, skąd w ogóle ten boom w ostatnim czasie i dlaczego warto zainteresować się tematem. Karolina porusza kwestie techniczne i tłumaczy dlaczego w jej opinii jest to jedna z trudniejszych stref pigmentacji.

Od 5 listopada w Empiku

Instagram PMU World

Our Platform Users

Kamila Kasperkowiak
Sylwestra Hasan
Klaudia Chorąży
Agnieszka Maciejewska
Daria Liberacka
Marzena Tybinkowska-Wetmańska
Milena Ladzińska
Emilia Walkowska
Katarzyna Matera
Olga Niedźwiecka
Sylwia Ziomek
Bogusława Herda
Martina Anichini
Jola Orzechowska
Eliza Hertig
Dagmara Rozpędzka
Malwina Rogoś
Anita Majda
Martyna Jasińska
Ewelina Wujec
Michalina Paluszak
Patrycja Gawlik
Wioleta Kojder
Renata Tyrała
Patrycja Michalik
Paulina Słowakiewicz- Dzielawa
Justyna Kulińska
Milena Morales
Michalina Barańska- Kania
Izabela Jaśkiewicz
Hanna Adzajlić- Kowalczyk
Wioletta Malochleb
Katarzyna Ciolek
Kamila Pełka
Ada Gas
Ewa Zawadowska-Łos
Klaudia Berger
Agnieszka Banaszak
Paulina Darga
Karolina Rydwelska
Dorota Habińska
Kinga Banasik
Paulina Końpa
Bara Jindrova
Angelika Woźniak
Agnieszka Kowalska
Olga Brzezińska
Klaudia Sikora
Agnieszka Kostrzewa Niedziela
Gizela Palińska-Dyks
Marta Morawska
Katarzyna Głocka-Korcz
Dagmara Sobczyszyn
Ola Górzna
Uliana Fadieieva
Marta Jaromińska
Agnieszka Buchert-Wawrzyniak
Iwona Sokołowska
Aleksandra Stachura
Klaudia Kita
Anna Dziurdziewska
Katarzyna Sendrowicz
Klaudia Simiot
Marzena Knop
Monika Gryska Jendryca
Sabina Dymurski-Szczuka
Karolina Kwiatkowska
Anna Bellazzi
Sara Różewska
Dominika Tomaszewska
Roksana Prządka
Klaudia Naturalna
Ewa Klimowicz
Aleksandra Bozdogan
Natalia Frankowska
Ewa Wiśniowska
Emilia Krawczyk
Monika Miler
Marika Klimko
Anna Gąsińska
Kamila Przybysz
Aleksandra Porębska
Agata Gielmuda
Katarzyna Jacków
Izabela Boruszewska
Klaudia Kozanecka
Aleksandra Kaczmarczyk
Angelika Werszko-Cisowska
Justyna Mikołajczyk
Damian Ratuszny
Katarzyna Orłowska
Elwira Sobolewska
Ola Górzna
Klaudia Przyszlak
Monika Michalska
Magdalena Mazurek
Dorota Ryś
Żaneta Żywiałkowska
Nicoletta Anna Orłowska


Artykuł ekspercko promocyjny w "Kosmetologii Estetycznej"
Value: 650 EUR
ArtCare Cream 30ml + Magazyn PMU WORLD
Value: 58 EUR
Półroczna Prenumerata dwumiesięcznika "Kosmetologia Estetyczna"
Value: 14 EUR
Magazyn Bliżej PMU i medycyny estetycznej
Value: EUR
Zestaw do makijażu permanentnego. Maszynka GLOVCON INOX LADY + Zasilacz NEMESIS
Value: 395 EUR
Dwumiesięcznik "Kosmetologia Estetyczna"
Value: 5 EUR
Zestaw do pielęgnacji po makijażu permanentnym
Value: 35 EUR
Sponsor główny
Patron medialny